木曜日, 5月 14, 2009

今天的中国话 裸体挂历和慈善


英国6名老妇拍裸体挂历 为慈善机构筹款
yi1ng guo2 6 mi2ng la3o fu4 pa1i luo3 ti3 gua4 li4 we4i ci2 sha4n ji1 go4u cho2u kua3n


老妇  老婦人
拍   撮影する、写真を撮る (呼吸を合わせて拍を打つ=シャッターを切る?)
裸体  裸体
挂历  カレンダー
慈善  慈善
机构  機関(組織) 构は機構の構の簡体字。
筹款  資金調達(計画) 約款の款って中国語では資金という意味が多いみたいだ。


The “Calendar Girls” of the Women’s Institute of Rylstone, North Yorkshire in England became a worldwide phenomenon after some of their older members posed for a tasteful “nude” calendar in 1999 to help raise money for leukemia research. The women were shown in domestic settings, their naughty bits covered by props like flowers, food, and yarn. The calendar became a huge sensation and a best seller, bringing media attention to their small community and cause. Their inspiring tale was made into a play and a Hollywood film in 2004 starring Helen Mirren. Now 6 of the original 11 members have put out another semi-nude calendar for 2010. They range in age from 57 to 75 and hope to raise another £2 million for leukemia research, having already raised around £2 million.


http://news.xinhuanet.com/photo/2009-05/13/content_11364288.htm (新華社ネット版)