木曜日, 1月 08, 2009

Jokesters @ New Year Party 

jokester とは a person who enjoys telling or playing jokesです。冗談好きな人という意味。






今日は、Janglish &Scientific Quiz 用意してくださっていて、面白かったです。頭の体操になりました。

Janglish Jokester Quiz:

Q1.What is a name of the animal which is good at buying in the financial market?

Q2.What is a name of the animal which is good at selling in the financial market?

●Scientific & Janglish Quiz:


Fast muscles which work for shorter distance dash are while muscles.

Slow muscles which work for longer distance race are red muscles.

Why? (seriously scientific)

Q4. How about Niwatori(Chickens)"? Which do they have, red muscles or white muscles?

●Tom's Quiz (from a movie named "PUNCH LINE")

Q5. Why is 6(six) afraid of 7(seven)?

●an English riddle "Nazonazo"

Q6. What kind of clothes does a house have on?    




Q1. cow (買う) よって、乳牛

Q2. sheep (wool =ウール、売る)よって、羊

Q3. (なんとなく以下のような理由かと。)

Because short distance dash does not need oxygen (a lot) and long distance race needs constant oxygen supply.

White and fast muscles for 100m dash do not have to support aerobic activity. (The sprinter does not breeze or inhale from the start to the goal.)

However, for long distance race, constant oxygen supply is needed to the muscles. Therefore, the color of the slow muscles must be red due to the color of hemoglobin which carries oxygen to the muscles.   

Q4. Slow muscles. (Because, ”Niwatori” is called Chicken →チキン→遅筋→slow muscles.)

Q5. Because 7,8,9. Because 7 ate 9.

Q6. A (d)dress. address(住所)のないhouseはないですよね。a (d)dress=ドレス。